All types of modern imaging are available, either at the Guildford Nuffield Hospital, the Royal Surrey County
or Mount Alvernia
For the accurate diagnosis of Spinal conditions it is often necessary to request an MRI scan. The 3T scanner at the Nuffield is state of art. We have an expert team of Consultant Radiologists available to interpret the scans and produce accurate reports.
Insured patients will find that, in most instances, the cost of their imaging will be met by their insurance company. However, please make sure that you have authorisation before having an expensive scan.
Patients without insurance will be offered a quote for the cost of imaging by the hospital.
For those patients that are claustrophobic, we can arrange for an open MRI in another unit, such as Windsor or Central London
Plain XRays, Flouroscopy and CT scanning is based at the Nuffield
This is often helpful to us in achieving a diagnosis. It is sometimes appropriate to advise treatment with a steroid injection delivered under ultrasound control
Nuclear Medicine
Isotope bone scans and PET CT scans are not routinely needed in Orthopaedics but can be arranged at Mount Alvernia Hospital
Dexa Scans
Used to check for Osteoporosis, are available at Mount Alvernia